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Provider Information:
Website: nsi4u
Business: Nutritional Sciences Institute
Name: Dr. Michael Joseph
Provider's Blog
Supplementing Eye Health with Critical Nutrients part 2
Magnesium is the most important nutrient, and is needed in relatively high amounts daily.  It is involved in 600 chemical reactions, and any deficiency in this critical mineral can inhibit many nutrients from being utilized.  It should be noted that high blood pressure plays a major role in eye health, and elevations in blood pressure can damage eye tissue.  The RAA system or renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, is responsible for producing the chemical mediators that control blood pressure.  This unique system is hyper dependent on magnesium, and magnesium deficiency has been connected to low levels of Nitric Oxide in the blood, which further increases high blood pressure concerns.  600 mg per day of Magnesium Glycinate (2 caps, 3 times per day) will assure that magnesium is never in deficiency.  This particular form is chelated, or bound to a molecule the body recognizes, in this case glycine (an amino acid).  A chelated form of magnesium is far more bioavailable and more easily absorbed than other forms, and this formula also contains a small amount of ascorbyl palmitate, which is a fat soluble form of vitamin C.  

Speaking of Vitamin C...Vitamin C is arguably the most important nutrient, and likely the most important of all nutrients for multi-cellular higher forms of life.  the water soluble Vitamin C is a notorious antioxidant.  Oxidation is the damaging effect caused by renegade molecules that leech electrons from other molecules, and in turn from health cells.  Vitamin C lends these free radicals an electron, neutralizing them and rendering them harmless.  The human eyes are bombarded daily with oxidative stress, 
Submitted on: 2/6/2020
Find the Deficiency First! - published 11/15/2019
Lab Testing - published 11/16/2019
Supplementing Eye Health with Critical Nutrients part 1 - published 2/6/2020
Supplementing Eye Health with Critical Nutrients part 2 - published 2/6/2020
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